Abe Becker



when I viewed my dad’s anesthetizing tube jutting

from his neck it looked like the wrong image of

death like whatever body he reincarnates into will

be reliant on oxygen machines & more brains &

charm than everyone OK like even his soul swirling

in limbo before finding its next ribcage will need

artificial celestial propulsion he didn’t believe in

reincarnation I stopped practicing Buddhism when

I moved in with him after college he believed in

the right thing & didn’t understand depression of

the spirit he wasn’t his collapsed lungs I mean it

would be like if he had to view my body & found

a giant tear & frown painted on my cold skin when

I think of him in a better place it’s a wind tunnel

it’s a hurricane or soft breeze on my face reading

one of his mystery novels with the windows down

parked where he would try & escape


Abe Becker's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Cimarron Review, decomp, Juked, Fourteen Hills, Fifth Wednesday Journal, After Happy Hour Review, and more. He assists people with cognitive and physical disabilities in the Bay Area.