Q: Are you a science fiction magazine?

A: No, we’re not looking for any specific genre. We just think aliens are cool.

Q: How often do you publish?

A: We publish electronically twice a year, once in August and once in February. Our open submission periods are from April - July and September - January.

Q: Do you pay for published work?

A: Yes. We pay $20 for each accepted piece of writing. Payments can be done via Venmo, Cash App, and PayPal.

Q: Do you accept submissions via email?

A: No. We only accept submissions via our Submittable page.

Q: Why are you asking for donations when I submit?

A: Through our CLMP-Member Submittable account we are able offer unlimited free submissions. However, we do ask that those who can give a small optional donation when they submit. This goes toward the upkeep of the website and supplementary accounts. Specifically, we have a monthly quota and once we meet that we donate all remaining funds to a charity or cause. You can find where we will be donating to for a specific month by going to our Twitter account.

Q: Can I submit more than one piece at a time?

A: No. We ask you wait to hear back from us before submitting another piece. But as soon as you do hear from us, by all means, please submit again.

Q: Do you plan on nominating pieces for various awards like The Pushcart Prize and Best of The Net?

A: You bet!