Rob Colgate



Lover-boy lake-bluff

Cliff-edge an axis

Boy wanna bluff-kiss

Boy-axis broken


Boy-axis wander

Gas-station wolf

Intestine-twist axis

Wolf-says rush home


Wolf river-fall

Milk-river milk

Low-wolf go lower

Milk-claws go soft


Now milk-drowning boy

Boy-leak on surface


In soft-surface brain


In-surface of skull

Thoughts as in-virus

Thin-cracks in surface

Boy-virus thin-time


Boy life-shape virus

Glass-eat boy broken

Boy eye-view virus

Window-crawl broken


Broken boy-archway

Bluff-lake no ships

Digestion-boy broken

Lover-boy bluffs


Rob Colgate is a Filipino-American poet from Evanston, IL. He holds a degree in psychology from Yale University and previously spent time at the Iowa Writers' Workshop. He is currently pursuing his MFA in poetry with the New Writers Project at UT Austin, where he serves as the nonfiction editor for Bat City Review and is working towards a certificate in critical disability studies. His work is featured in Best New Poets 2020; his first chapbook, So Dark the Gap, was published by Tammy in March 2020. You can find him at